Turnip Broth

It is traditionally made with turnips from the land, which only exist in some of the areas of Santa Maria, but you can also use another type of turnips.

  • 500 grams of turnips
  • 500 grams of pork meat from the leg with bone
  • 250grams of toucinho entremeado
  • 250 grams of chouriço
  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • home baked bread
  • salt to season

Scrap the turnips and, then, slice them vertically. Scald them in boiling water that you discard afterwards. In a second water, with no salt, boil them a little. Discard the water one more time.
Return the turnips to the heat with the meat, the toucinho (which should be salted the day before), the chouriço and the potatoes.
Lay thick slices of home baked bread soaked in the broth on a serving platter. Place the meat, the chouriço, the toucinho, the potatoes and the turnips on another serving platter.
This is a recipe for six people.

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